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English Camp


2017 English Camp

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2016 English Camp

   We had English camp from November 1 through November 2. Last year we had English camp, too. When I was in the first grade, I couldn't enjoy the camp very much because I was shy. I have no confidence in my English, so I couldn't enjoy the camp. But, this year I could enjoy English camp very much! I could talk with many people! I could play a lot of games. Everything was fun for me! When I was in the first grade, I got a lot of failure. But, it was nice. I made use of the failure this year. I think it's important for us to fail.
   This year we had interviews and lunch discussions. It was different from last year's activities. We must talk with the ALTs in English. It sounds difficult. Actually, it was difficult for me, but I tried to talk as much as possible. We broke up into groups and had an interview with about five different ALTs. Our groups theme was "environmental protection." We asked some ALTs many questions. ALTs answered very seriously. We could talk with them. I got a deep sense of fulfillment after the interview.
   On the second day, I had a discussion at lunchtime. We had a discussion with ALTs about our favorite things well.
 We had lunch. I asked them some questions, for example, "What will you do this weekend?" and "What movie do you like?" We had an enjoyable talk. I had a very good time at the discussion.
   The skit contest was hard because we couldn't think of the contents of the skit at first. An idea struck me. It was Halloween. We thought it would be timely. We decided to do "Mysterious Halloween Book." We couldn't decide which atmosphere to take, comedy or terror. We were sure other groups would do comedy, so we decided to do terror. We practiced hard to have a good performance. And, we could win the championship! I was very happy! I had a very good time at this year's English camp.  (Natsumi Shiraishi, 2-1)

MCIIのInterview Activity

  11月1日から2日にかけてEnglish Campがありました。去年もありましたが、中学一年生のときは、恥ずかしがり屋だったため、キャンプをあまり楽しむことが出来ませんでした。自分の英語に自信が持てなかったのです。しかし今年のキャンプはとても楽しめました。たくさんの人と話すことができ、いろいろなゲームをすることができました!どれもこれも楽しかったです!中学一年生のとき、私はたくさんの失敗をしました。しかしそれでよかったのです。去年の失敗は今年のキャンプで生かすことができました。失敗することは私たちにとって大切なことだと思います。
   スキットは最初、何についての話にしようかなかなか決まらず、大変でした。思いついたテーマが「ハロウィン」でした。時期的にも良いのではないかと思い、「不思議なハロウィンの本」というタイトルのスキットをすることに決めました。次に悩んだのは、「笑い」をメインにするか「怖さ」をメインにするかということです。おそらく他のグループは「笑い」をメインにするのではないかと考え、結局、「怖さ」をメインにすることになりました。私たちはそれぞれがいい演技ができるように、一生懸命練習しました。そして私のグループは優勝することができたのです!とても嬉しかったです!このEnglish Campでは本当に良い時間を過ごすことができました。(白石 なつみ、2年1組)


   I went to English camp on November 1 and 2. I made a lot of memories and I had a good time at English Camp. Now, I'll write about four things. First, we did English activities. We sang the school song and "I'm So Happy." They were very fun for me. I played a Halloween game, too. I was excited because we didn't know what we will do next. I enjoyed ALT activities. 
Second, we did an interview activity for our MC II class. We asked three ALTs about world disputes. We could learn about different countries, so I was very excited. Third, we did a dinner time discussion. My classmate and I ate dinner with Jenny we talked about a lot of things, for example, we talked about pets, our town, and our favorite foods. I was so happy to talk with Jenny. I enjoyed our dinner on the first day very much. Fourth, we had a skit contest. We could come in third place in our class,so I was glad. My classmate's skits were all very funny. In the final round, I saw eight skits. The first grader's skits were very high-quality, so I was surprised. The second grader's skits were better than last year, so I enjoyed skit contest finals. In the end, I understood ALTs English better than last year. I could have a good time, so English camp memories are beautiful for me. I'm so happy!! (Eimi Suzuki, 2-4)  

  1つ目は、英語活動についてです。最初に、私たちはスクールソングと「I'm so Happy」を歌いました。とても楽しかったです。その後、ハロウィンのゲームをしました。次に何が起こるか分からないゲームだったので、ワクワクしました。私はALTの活動を楽しむことが出来ました。
  2つ目は、MCのインタビュー活動です。私たちは3人のALTに紛争についての質問をしました。 違う国について学ぶことが出来たので、ワクワクしました。
 (鈴木 英未、2年4組)

ALT Talent Show

 私は最後のイングリッシュキャンプで赤城青少年交 流の家へ行きました。私はこの日がくるのを楽しみ にしていました。なぜなら私は昨年イングリッシュ キャンプを本当に楽しめたからです。だから私はイ ングリッシュキャンプが好きでした。11月1日、私 たちは赤城青少年交流の家へ出発しました。バスで 大体1時間かかりました。最初に講堂で入所式があ りました。それから私たちはたくさんの面白い活動 をしました。ALTの方々はとても親切で、面白かっ たです。彼らは私たちに簡単な英語を話してくだ さったので、嬉しかったです。昨年と今年とで違う ことはたくさんあったと思います。1つ目として は、ALTの方々にたくさん話しかけることができた ということです。2つ目としては、ALTの方々の話 を聞けて、理解することができたということです。 私は自分が理解できることがわかって驚きました。 自分が昨年よりも英語を話したり聞いたりすること ができると思っていなかったからです。理解できる ことがわかったとき、私は幸せを感じました。3つ 目としては、英語を話したり聞いたりしたときに幸 せを感じた、ということです。昨年、私は英語を話 したり聞いたりしたとき不安でした。しかし今年は 違いました。最後に、スキットを理解できたという ことです。昨年、私は2年生のスキットを理解する ことができませんでした。しかし今年は理解するこ とができました。嬉しかったし、スキットを本当に 楽しむことができました!スキットは私をとてもワ クワクさせる面白いものでした。11月2日はMCのイ ンタビュー活動とスキットコンテストがありまし た。インタビュー活動は私にとって難しかったで す。しかしALTの方々はとても優しく、同じグルー プの仲間が助けてくれたので、私はALTの方々にた くさんの質問をすることができました。私たちは環 境保護について調べているので、私たちの質問に答 えるのはとても難しかったと思います。ですが、 ALTの方々はそれぞれの質問に丁寧に答えてくださ いました。そのため、私たちは理解することができ ました。私はもう一度ALTの方々にお礼を言いたい です。最後に、スキットコンテストがありました。 私たちの班はスキットを約1ヶ月前につくりまし た。私たちは物語をすぐに決めることができません でした。しかし、一生懸命につくりました。そのた め、私たちはスキットをつくり終えることができま した。それから私たちは一生懸命練習しました。だ からスキットを成功させられたのだと思います。ま た、私たちはスキットを楽しんでできました。私は クラスメイトのスキットを見ました。彼らのスキッ トはとても面白く、ワクワクさせられました。彼ら のスキットを見たとき、私はとても楽しかったで す。それから私はスキットコンテストの決勝を見ま した。彼らのスキットはレベルがとても高いと思い ました。1年生も2年生もスキットを見るのを楽し みました。私はイングリッシュキャンプを本当に楽 しみました。私はイングリッシュキャンプが大好き です。行けるのならもう一度行きたいくらいです。 これからはもっと英語の勉強を頑張ります。(横濵恵利菜、2年3組)

   I went to English camp for the last time at Akagi Youth Friendship Center. I was looking forward to coming these days because I really enjoyed English camp last year. So I liked English camp very much. On November 1, we left for Akagi Youth Friendship Center. It took about one hour by bus. First, we had an opening ceremony at the auditorium. Then we had a lot of interesting activities. ALTs were very kind and interesting. They spoke easy English for us. I was glad. 
   Differences between this year and last year were a lot of things, I think. First I could speak to ALTs many times. Second I could listen to ALTs and understand them. I was surprised to understand those things. I didn't think I could speak and listen to English much better than last year. I felt happy then. Third, I felt happy when I spoke and listened to English. Last year I was nervous when I spoke and listen to English. But this year was different. Last, I could understand the skit. Last year I didn't understand skits of second graders but this year, I could understand them. I was glad and I really enjoyed biscuits! They were very very exciting and interesting for me. On November 2 we had an interview activity for our multicultural class and a skit contest. The interview activity was difficult for me. But ALTs were very kind and my group members helped me, so I could ask ALTs many questions. We are doing research about environmental protection, so to answer our questions was very difficult. But ALTs answered each question politely. So we could understand. I want to say thank you to ALTs again. We got a lot of information. It is useful.
   Last, we did a skit contest. We made our skit about one month ago. We didn't decide our story soon. But we made our skit very hard. We finished making our skit and then we practiced it hard so we could success our skit. We enjoyed doing the skit, too. I saw skits of my classmates. Their skits were very interesting and exciting. When I saw them, I was very happy. Then I saw the skit contest finals. The skit levels were very high. Both the first-graders and second graders enjoyed watching the skits. 
   I was really enjoying this English camp. I love English camp. I want to go to English camp again. From now on, I will study English harder and more. (Erina Yokohama, 2-3)

 私はイングリッシュキャンプでたくさんのことを学びました。私はこの思い出を忘れずに完璧な英語の話者になれるために努力していこうと思います。(田中 はるか、2年2組)

   Last year, I couldn't join English camp because I caught a cold. So, this camp was the first English camp for me. This year, I caught a cold two weeks ago again! But, I did my best to become healthy because I really wanted to go to English camp this year. So, I could finally go to English camp.
   At lunch, I enjoyed a discussion with ALTs. I could talk about many things. For example, we talked about our favorite books, movies, and foods. We especially enjoyed talking about Harry Potter. ALTs like Harry Potter books and movies. I love them, too. We talked about our favorite characters. One of the ALTs told me that Harry Potter is one of the most famous books in America. I told her that Harry Potter is also famous in Japan. I thought wonderful stories will be loved by everyone, even countries that are different. This discussion, I could talk a lot in English. I'm not a perfect English speaker, but even so, I could communicate with DOT because I did my best. I learned that it is important to try to talk when I want to speak in English. I would like to talk with ALTs again. ALTs said to me, "Let's keep in touch by email." So I will keep sending email to them.
   I enjoyed the skate contest, too. We made our own skit with the group. We prepared for the skate contest a lot. It took an hour to make a story in two hours to write it down in English. We also had to remember the skit, so I think we took a lot of time with the skits preparation. But, it was very fun for me. We could present well, I think that's because we did our best. My teacher often says to us, "Practice makes perfect." I reaffirmed this so much.
   At English camp, I could learn a lot of things. From now on, I want to keep this memory and do my best to be a perfect English speaker. (Haruka Tanaka, 2-2)