


優勝:菊地 渉(5年)"Look at the Other Hole"
2位:木村瑞希(5年)"Incorporating "Free Acting" in Literature Teaching"
3位:北爪智佳子(4年)"Common Disease"
4位:柴田ももこ(5年)"Take Pride in My Own Language"



  It`s been a great contest with many wonderful speeches and presentations.  
I speak for all of the judges and myself when I say that we are very happy that we could listen to such passionate students speak today.

  There were many interesting topics. I could tell that many of you put a lot of effort and preparation into your speeches and presentations. Particularly in the content. –Many of you talked about very important issues and raised important questions for your classmates to think about.
  My biggest hope for all of today`s speakers and presenters, is that you continue to share your ideas and opinions after this contest. When you talk about your ideas and experiences with people, you can understand each other better. Understanding others is one of the most important skills you can have in life. 
 Today, you expressed all of your ideas in English. If you want to, you can share and exchange your ideas with people outside of Japan! That is why we study foreign languages, like English, so that the number of people we can communicate with increases, and the kinds of things we can learn about and share increase.  
  Learning a language takes a lot of effort and time, but the reward is great. You can talk to new people, make new friends, and learn new things –things that might be difficult to learn about in Japanese.   Please use English whenever you can and share your ideas and experiences with many different people. I`m sure both you and the other person will learn something new.  
  Some of today`s participants might think that their journey ends here with this contest, but I challenge you to continue: continue writing, continue speaking, and continue learning. Today was a great experience for all the participants because learning English and using the English you know is its own reward.  

  Congratulations again to all of today`s participants.