
視聴覚 令和3年度 FEWC全校成果発表会

5427 田中 里采 The Relationship Between City Structure and Car Dependence-Estimating the Impact of Compact Plus Network by Using Indicators-

4218 浅井 優里 食で繋がる ~健康増進と食品ロス改善~

3303 梅澤 琉斗 米を食べる ~米粉の秘めた可能性~

2319 菊地 翔子 群馬の持続可能な酪農 ~飼料自給率を上げるために~

1426 中島 美咲 Welcome玉村計画2021 ~玉村町の人と一緒になった街づくり~

FREAT: 食物アレルギー患者のWebサービスの開発



 現在は、CMF(Customer Market Fit)を、患者本人やお店にヒアリングをしながら検証している。検証は主に、仮説を立てる、ヒアリング、分析という3つのプロセスを1サイクルとして実施。現在は、アレルギー対応に取り組む飲食店やアレルギー患者、患者のコミュニティを中心にヒアリングを行っている。また、医師や管理栄養士などのその分野の専門家からも情報を得ている。



4学年代表発表 (Global Studies II): グローバルビジネス

1 動機 

 2 目的 




5学年代表発表 (Global Studies III): 多文化理解を目指す教育


3学年代表発表 (Global Studies I): 清潔な水と衛生(国連のSDG #6)


1学年代表発表 (Multi-Cultures I): 日本の伝統建築


国(気候帯別)ごとにまとめた。日本 木をふんだんに使用。床下に木炭を埋めたり風通しを良くしたりする湿度対策。インド・カンボジア 大理石や高床住居などで暑さへの対策を強化。サハラ砂漠 土壁を用いて耐震性能、耐火性能、気温や湿度の調節などを行っていた。ノルウェー 保温性、放熱性の両方を生かし一年を通じて暮らしやすくしていた。

Encouragement of the Practical Use of Fishery in Developing Countries

This paper reviews what we could do especially in the fishing industry to promote economic growth in developing countries. First of all, we have to check 49 developing countries to see if they satisfy conditions that are necessary for commercial fishing. We look at them from the aspect of topography, military situations, environment and religion. Then, three countries are selected based on the prerequisites. Thirdly, we discuss the present situations of fishing in the nations selected. Main problems of the existing industry in these areas are related to transporting and exporting. Finally, new ideas are offered to the countries referring to preferable transportation and sales process.

1 IntroductionThese days, the concern about foreign aid has risen as poverty and economic gaps between nations have been considered serious problems. In this paper, I have considered what we could do to boost income from commercial fishing to promote economic growth in developing countries. First, I chose three countries, each of which fulfills the conditions below.a) GDP is under the standard of $992 per person decided in the United Nations in 2012.b) It is capable of fishing. I made three prerequisites on my own.-faces a sea-does not have any outstanding war, natural disasters or infectious diseases-has comparatively few religious taboo against seafood. The countries selected are Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar, and Togo.
2 Discussion and Implications
Fishery is one of the country’s key industries. They have a good catch of prawns and squids.  However, their main force is small-scale, individual fishing.  The seafood they catch is usually not much processed, and only 23 tons of their products are sold outside of the fishing villages.   

Madagascar produces black tiger prawns.  An exporting company called Unima, which conducts prawn production in an environmentally friendly way, supplies 7,500 tons of prawns per year.  
In most of the native communities, fishermen rely on commission merchants to collect fish and to manage business because their access to the market is limited.  However, products are purchased at low prices by the commission merchants. 

About 25,000 tons of seafood is in production every year.  The country’s seafood self-sufficiency rate is 40%, and 37,000 tons of seafood is imported a year.  Lome port, the only fishing port of the country has been required to move since 2011 due to an expansion of a commercial port.  The port has been facing problems such as boat accidents in the crowded harbor, and lack of equipment for inspecting sanitation.

3 Conclusion
A: suggestions for domestic activities 
It seems essential to develop the distribution system.  Live fish trucking could be an appropriate method worth spreading.  This method is suited for small-sized aquatic animals including Guinea-Bissau's main commodities, prawns and squids.  Using water tanks is comparatively low cost than introducing refrigerating technology.

(2) Madagascar
  a: Development of the distribution system is needed.      
First, the wholesale market should be prepared.  According to Japan Yoshoku Association, the wholesale market is quote "where trade is taken place under the open and fair running principles" unquote.  Wholesaling will directly solve the problem of unfair trading in many communities.
Second, for now, marine transportation will contribute to the smoother distribution.  Taking an advantage of it being an island, Madagascar can benefit from this ship delivery system effectively.  One of the country’s prioritized targets shows that progress in the field of conveyance is required.  Using sea routs instead of roads must be a fast solution at present.  In the near future, thinking of exporting more products abroad, we should also improve land transportation to connect coastal villages and the inland Ivato Airport, the chief international airport.
  b: Increasing the variety of fish they catch can expand their business and can prevent extinction of particular species.  Sea animals which can be caught with the same trawls as the ones for catching prawns may serve as good targets. 

A maintenance project has already been carried out by some organizations.  The report on preparation research by JICA and Fisheries Engineering Co., Ltd was published in 2016.  This project is so well organized that the existing assistance seems to be enough for the time being.

2: the potential for export to Japan
Japan will be able to support Madagascar's industrial development through increasing consumption of black tiger prawns and through expecting this country to be a favorable eel producing district.  Now, Japan depends on south-east Asia for shrimps and prawns.   Trading with other stable producer is surely beneficial for Japan.  In fact, in 2013, Japan faced a shrimp shortage due to the spread of a disease among vannamei shrimps in Asia and the increased demand from other countries.  Finding a habitat of wild eels can be meaningful as there is a great demand for eels here in Japan.

4 References
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 「外務省 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan」 
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「外務省: わかる!国際情勢 Vol.19 アフリカにおける紛争」 
<www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/press/pr/wakaru/topics/vol19>   (2017.1.17) 
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「ニチレイフレッシュ 水産品 - こだわり素材開発ストーリー マダガスルージュ」
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金萬智男・三好かやの「私、海の漁師になりました。就業ナビ&成功事例」 新光社 
ブリタニカ国際百科事典 百科事典マイペディア 旺文社世界史事典

地球市民育成プロジェクト 各学年代表の研究レジュメ

東京大学 アジアに関する教育シンポジウムで特別報告

2017.8.31.東京大学 本郷キャンパスにて
発表者Shun EBARA 
演題 “Islam Education for Japanese Students”

<Abstract> 皆さんは『イスラーム(イスラム教)』と聞いて何を思い浮かべるでしょうか?祈りを捧げる人々や黒い衣装に身を包んだ女性たちでしょうか?あるいは、残念ですが、イスラム過激派の残虐な報道から、『なんとなく怖い』などと思ってしまう人もいるかもしれません。しかし、そのような過激派はごく一部であり、世界人口の25%を占めるとも言われているムスリム(イスラム教を信仰する人々)全員がそのような過激な思想を持っている訳ではありません。


  When you hear the word “Islam”, what do you come up with?  Praying people?  A Mosque?  A woman dressed in black?  And what do you think of the Islamic world?  If I ask average Japanese citizens these questions, unfortunately, I can expect answers like---‘somewhat scary’. These days, the sense of discrimination against Islam is spreading worldwide, and Japan is not an exception.  But it seems likely that people actually don’t know about Islam well, and that they consider Muslims as something dangerous based only on the news stories about Islamic extremists including ISIS. Perhaps some of them mistake things like this as Islam, but needless to say, it’s wrong image and I think it is a serious problem that such an image may be fixed in people’s mind and bring about real discrimination against the whole Muslims.  So I have tried to consider how to solve this problem.
  First of all, I believe that one of the major reasons for such misunderstandings is that education on Islam and Muslims is limited in Japan; there are few opportunities to learn deeply about religion, including Islam.  Besides, there are few chances to communicate with Muslims. These can be the reasons for lack of knowledge and misunderstanding.
  Then, my first suggestion is this; adopting religious education class to provide correct knowledge to all Japanese students from elementary to high school.  This figure shows you the policies on religious education in developed countries. (Showing the figure) As you can see, the policy varies from country to country.  And this is the case of Japan. (Showing the figure) Article nine of the Japanese Fundamental Law of Education says that we have to be respectful to each religion and must not persecute or compel specific religions.  Of course, this attitude toward religion is really important, but I also think that there should be one more article saying something like---‘we have to provide correct knowledge of world religions through education and promote real understanding of them among students. For the elementary school students, to make them become familiar with religious affairs, schools can provide activities where they can experience and feel world religious culture like putting on clothes, eating foods and so on, which is effective to eliminate any prejudice.  And for high school students, lectures on religion can be given by social studies teachers, which will be the base of understanding. In the lectures, the principle of ‘”never persecute or impose” specific religions must be always satisfied.
  I believe that this kind of plan will be effective in promoting students to know about world religions well, including Islam. However, just getting knowledge is not enough to really understand them. Also, most Japanese are not familiar with ‘real’ Muslims.  While Muslims occupy a quarter of the world population, now there are only about 100,000 to 200,000 Muslims in Japan. The chance to communicate with them is very limited. I learned in a lecture by Prof. Morimoto that Islam is a ‘life style,’ rather than just a religion and it consists of varieties of different groups. From his lecture, I thought that it will be difficult for average Japanese students to really understand them without more chance to communicate with Muslims. Therefore, I also suggest that we should introduce more Exchange Student Programs between Japan and Islamic nations to promote real understanding among Japanese students.
  In conclusion, to get rid of ignorance and misunderstanding and to promote real understanding about Islam and Muslims among Japanese students, I insist that lectures and learning activities on religion and culture be given in classrooms, and a wider range of exchange student programs be introduced.  Especially in today’s borderless world, it is necessary that each ‘world citizen’ gets correct knowledge and makes efforts to understand others.  Yes, there must be many difficulties and criticisms to carrying out the kind of plan I have suggested, but I believe that thinking of how to coexist with Muslims can be the first step to eliminate discrimination against Islam from all over the world.