
My First Japanese Sports Day

     On Tuesday, June 6th, I attended Chuo Secondary School’s Sports Day, which was held at Takasaki Arena this year. During the opening ceremony, the teams displayed their flags for all to see, representing the four different-colored teams. Before the events officially began, all of the students took part in what is called “Radio Calisthenics”. This is something that I was aware of being practiced in Japan, but it doesn’t exist in any present-day capacity in the United States to my knowledge, so it was very cool to witness such a large number of people doing that in person for the first time. Many different events were held throughout the day, but I think in particular, the ones I enjoyed most as a spectator were the large coordinated dances performed by each team, the “gag” relay race, and then an event in which all four teams tried to remove the ribbons off of each other's helmets to win, while sitting on the shoulders of two other students lifting them up and acting as their legs the entire time.


     The gag relay race was definitely the most memorable event for me of the day, in which students of different clubs wearing their respective outfits had to race against each other, with the stipulation being that they had to literally act out their club’s activities to progress in the race. For example, the swimming club member was not able to run as one normally would, but rather had to dive onto the floor multiple times and try to swim his way to victory. Movements which were of course futile, but hilarious, by design. I was thoroughly impressed by the concept and execution of this event, and I feel it was both humorous and extremely clever. The final event of the day was a real relay race, which was quite intense. Absolutely eardrum-shattering and explosive cheers were let loose, and the excitement in the air during that last part was at an immeasurable level.


   This was the first Sports Day in Japan I have attended, and I thought that the event was so impressive and entertaining. I was also thoroughly impressed by the overall logistics and work that the students put into this event, and thought it was outstanding that they even had a team of student staffers on the ready, serving as professional-sounding announcers, operating the audio and technical aspects, and ensuring that the event ran smoothly in all capacities. In America, we do have something called “Field Day”, which would be most analogous to Japan’s Sports Day. However, it is usually organized and run in all aspects by the school itself, and the students are merely participants. Because of this, the level of comradery, student engagement, ingenuity, capacity to entertain, order, and overall dedication to the event are not even comparable, in my opinion. This day certainly exceeded my expectations, to say the least, and I am definitely looking forward to the next one!

 これは私が参加した日本で初めての体育祭であり、そのイベントは非常に印象的でエンターテイニングだと思いました。また、学生たちがこのイベントに対して全体的なロジスティクスと取り組みに非常に感銘を受け、学生スタッフのチームがプロのアナウンサーとして活動し、音響や技術の面でイベントが円滑に進行するようにしていることは素晴らしいと思いました。アメリカには「Field Day」というものがあり、これが日本の体育祭に最も類似しているでしょう。しかし、アメリカでは通常、学校自体がすべての面で組織化・運営を行い、生徒は単なる参加者に過ぎません。そのため、連帯感、生徒の関与、独創性、エンターテイメント性、秩序、そしてイベントへの全体的な献身度は、私の意見では比較にすらなりません。この日は私の期待をはるかに超えましたし、次回のイベントを楽しみにしています!
